Apple, Woman, Squirrel

Apple, Woman, Squirrel


HD Video

We follow a woman wandering around a garden observing the surrounding. She sees water, apples, trees, squirrel(s) and documents with a handheld camera. Her interactions in the garden creates a narrative which we sometimes sees from different camera perspectives.

The book The Modern Movement In Art (1935) and the chapter The Cameras Vision becomes a subduded audio backdrop for the film. It puts the woman’s actions in the light of the artist´s roll though art history.

Book: The Modern Movement in Art, chapter II Degeneration of Technique- The camera's vision, p. 71, Human influence, p. 80.

Translation by Bengt G. Söderberg

Printed in Sweden, Lindbergs Tryckeriaktiebolag, Stockholm, 1950.

Video stills