Turning Behavior

The Turning Behavior


HD Video with stereo sound in headphones.

Installation inside electrical cabinet.

8 min.

The term Turning Behavior derived from cognitive science explaining the circle-path that land mammals such as cats and dogs does to scan off their environment before laying down to rest. Archive footage further explains the phenomena and display conditions of this behavior among humans.

Recycled footage

Liocarcinus marmoreus 2.jpg, 3 oktober 2005, © Hans Hillewaert


Influence of Body Morphology on Turning Behaviour in Carnivores. D. Eilam, Journal of Motor Behaviour, Volume 26, no 1, March 1994.


Journal of Experiamnetal psychology

The Journals Of Gernotology, Series a, D. Cundall and J Shardo, Volume 39, Issue 5, 1 October 1999.

Home video, June, 1990.

Youtube clips

Multiple Suicides, Golden Gate Bridge, June 15, 2014

Red Road flats demolition, Sunday '11/10/2015, 3:20p

Additional voices

Christopher Carroll

Autumn Knight

Dana Lok

Michelle Mantua

Alejandro Aldea

Eduardo Costa


Varios locations between Tsukuba and Kyoto, Japan, 2017

South Carolina, US,  2013

Thanks to

Shikimori Hidegoro stable in Ryugasaki, Sacco Fujishima, Asumi Sato, Reiko Fujieda, Yuta Sugihara.

Made with support from

Sasakawa Foundation

Back to Me, Tomteboda Postterminal, Stockholm, 2017

Photo: Jean-Baptiste Béranger