Heavenly Bodies I
UHD Video with dolby 5,1 sound
13 min, 22 sec
Digital c-prints
Through Instagram I encountered fitness instructors, bodybuilders and MMA professionals during a recidency in Riga, Latvia. Their profiles show pictures and captions that convince you that all your goals are within reach, you can take controll and overcome fear.
Through selfies and motivational captions, they build their personal brands on social media. The monologue is based on these captions. The film follows their communication and training which subtly questions the iconic image of the strong, independent man. To subvert the normative image of training in the gym, the fitness instructors are filmed in natural landscapes. Surrounded by greenery, their bodies may be read in light of ritual and holy practices. Reminiscent of religious communities, their path is marked by discipline and dedication.
Heavenly Bodies I, excerpt from video
Installation view: 8 name for sten på is, dressing room at Osby's ice skating hall, Osby, Sweden, 2019
On Insta. digital c-print
Andrey Kovalev (andrey_deepfly)
Vadim Perevertailov (vadim_vipi)
Vitaly Perchilo (fittpepper)
Andrey Kovalev
Bogusław Kalestyński
Sound design and mix
Niklas björklund
Victory Park/ Uzvaras Parks/
Парк Победы, Riga, Latvia
Made with support from
ISSP Riga Residency, 2018
Climbing, digital C-print
Heavenly Bodies II
UHD Video 5 min loop
Hasan Mezhiev (xacmm)
Great Cementary/
Lielie kapi, Riga, Latvia
Heavenly Bodies II, excerpt from video
Installation view: 8 name for sten på is, sauna at Osby's ice skating hall, Osby, Sweden, 2019
Installation view: The Ring Beyond the Mat, Riksidrottsmuseet, Konsthall 16, 2023